We all take pride in taking such great care of our pets . They live so long now. And they do have quality life. However, if you have enough older pets you will eventually have a pet that acquires kidney disease. The medical term is renal disease which means" inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance". So in the older pet it is age related. It means the kidneys have high blood pressure, death of cells and inability to filter the wastes. The pet can show any of the following: wasting, weight loss, dehydration, inappetance, anorexia or vomiting, halitosis (kidney breath) and lethargy. Usually by the time the average owner who even occassionally take their pet into the veterinarian notices these symptoms it may be too late for treatment. By the time mild abnormalities are noted on bloodwork the patient has lost 75% of kidney function. Regular testing is they key. Our clinic uses an annual urine test starting at 7 years of age along with blood testing. The first signs of the microalbuminuria in the urine we start making adjustments. These may be diet or naturopathic supplements and addressing any dental or heart disease. The naturopathic products that I have used for over 10 years really are effective.
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